ABout us


Legion Strength and Conditioning offers a different approach to training. A combination of strongman, TRADITIONAL strength and conditioning, functional fitness, and endurance training. We build our fitness programming on the years of tried and tested MILITARY EXPERIENCE of our staff, offering our athletes the programming necessary to take their performacee to the next level.


Our staff is comprised of active and former members of the MILITARY'S special operations community, high threat security contractors, law enforcement and first responders. All training staff members have years of experience physically preparing for deployments to combat and high threat operating ENVIRONMENTS. Our goals at legion strength and conditioning to provide the highest level of physical training programs that will prepare our athletes for everything life can throw at you.

No man has the right to be an amateur in the matter of physical training. It is a shame for man to grow old without seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable
— Socrates